TPPA Reacts to Joe Biden Picking Kamala Harris as Vice President

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today regarding Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his Vice President.
“With his pick today of Sen. Kamala Harris, former Vice President Joe Biden checks the box for identity politics in 2020 (Black, female, Asian-American-Pacific-Islander), but it really doesn’t matter – Biden has already been steamrolled by the extreme left wing, and will simply be a rubber stamp for Bernie Sanders and the kooky socialists who have hijacked the Democratic Party. This pick gives us all the more reason to support Donald Trump, who has delivered on his promises and helped drive the U.S. economy to levels never seen before.
“Kamala Harris launched her campaign for president as a strong supporter of ‘Medicare for All,’ then decided on the trail to flip flop on the issue. In the Senate, she opposed the repeal of ObamaCare, voted against the vast majority of President Trump’s nominees, including the eminently qualified Supreme Court nominees, and has put partisanship above all else. She has been a reliable vote for higher taxes, bigger government, and less freedom for individuals. As California’s Attorney General, she opposed legislation that would have required her office to conduct investigations of police shootings, and she opposed mandatory use of body cameras by police.
“The lines have been drawn in the sand, and the American people now have a clear choice before them. The November election will offer two contrasting visions for America’s future – the Trump/Pence vision, an optimistic view of America’s future based on individual liberty and limited government, and the Biden/Harris vision, based on bigger government and a pessimistic view of America’s limitations. We are confident America will choose the former.”