Tea Party Patriots: Republicans Should Vote No on H.R. 5038

Washington, DC – Jenny Beth Martin, Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action, issued the following statement in advance of the expected vote on H.R. 5038, the “Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019”:
“When H.R. 5038 comes to the floor this week, House Republicans should vote no. Not only would this legislation offer a backdoor to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, it would incentivize more people to break our immigration and labor laws. However well-intentioned some may be, illegal workers are engaging in a variety of crimes, including working without a proper visa, falsifying documents, violating our labor laws, tax fraud, and more. One major reason our country is so successful and so desirable to immigrate to is our commitment to the rule of law and the orderly environment it creates, allowing for individual freedom and prosperity. Congress should work with President Trump to fix our broken immigration system rather than carve out exemptions for certain industries. By doing so, they are sending a message to the world that those who want to live and work in the United States would be better off doing so without regard to our nation’s laws – a notion that undermines the very reasons people desire to live in the United States of America.”
For media inquiries, please contact Erica Nurnberg at enurnberg@crcstrategies.