Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to S. 1 Markup

Atlanta, GA – Today, the Senate Rules Committee is holding a markup on S. 1, a sweeping “election reform” bill. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“The Democrat assault on the First Amendment continues. If they succeed in passing S. 1, it will fundamentally weaken our democracy and reduce election integrity. Voter fraud will become more prevalent, and taxpayers will be paying the bill for congressional campaigns. No wonder most people are calling S. 1 ‘the Corrupt Politicians Act.’ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Ted Cruz did a magnificent job defending free speech today. S. 1 is a Democrat power grab, pure and simple. We will continue to vigorously oppose it.”
On Monday, Townhall published Ms. Martin’s op-ed, On Election ‘Reform,’ Democrat Elites Are Out of Touch. To read it, click here.