Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Former VP Pence Launching Advancing American Freedom Organization

Today, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin was named to the Advisory Board of Former Vice President Mike Pence’s new organization called Advancing American Freedom. She released the following statement:
“I am extremely pleased to serve on the Advisory Board of Former Vice President Mike Pence’s new organization, Advancing American Freedom. The organization will build on the successes the Trump Administration created over the last four years, and promote the conservative principles that make America great. These principles empower America and Americans to flourish and help us build a better more, secure future.
“Vice President Pence is gifted in articulating and advancing how a policy agenda built on conservative values allows all Americans to reach their own version of the American Dream.
“Advancing American Freedom will oppose the expansion of government promoted by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their radical left allies in Washington, DC, which, if left unchecked, would create an American Nightmare.
“The contrast between visions for America’s future could not be more clear: Individual liberty and limited government and the prosperity they bring, or collectivist statism and economic stagnation. I look forward to working with Vice President Pence and Advancing American Freedom to promote America’s brightest future.”