Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Biden’s Address to Joint Session of Congress

Atlanta, GA – Tonight, President Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“During President Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress, he continued to push his radical-left agenda that will devastate our country. During his first 100 days, President Biden has added trillions to our debt, opened our borders, threatened the integrity of our elections with H.R. 1 and the Georgia boycott, proposed massive tax hikes that will cripple our economy, and begun the process of reengaging in the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. Rather than focus on America first, President Biden is focused on enacting the most radical legislative agenda ever foisted on the American public. If he succeeds, the loss of individual liberty will be great, incentives for economic growth will be lost, and our nation will be swamped with debt. We simply cannot allow that to happen.
“American success has always been the product of individual initiative and the pursuit of the American Dream — not because of government, but in spite of government. It’s not a $1,400 check from the government that’s making a difference, it’s the freedom to follow one’s dreams that makes the difference. It’s not the government that works, it’s all those Americans who carry around all that government on their backs while they work. The sooner President Biden recognizes that, the better off we’ll all be.”