South American Countries Are Wising Up When It Comes to Socialism
While Venezuela is currently struggling under its socialist regime, four South American countries are changing their ways. The elected presidents of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia are favoring market democracy over socialism.
The Daily Signal has the details:
Those four countries have led the creation of a new group—the Forum for the Progress of South America—which, according to Chilean President Sebastián Piñera, will function “without ideology and bureaucracy, but with a total commitment to freedom, democracy, and human rights.”
This forum is meant to supplant the old leftist Union of South American Nations, which Chavez established with the former leftist governments of Brazil, Argentina, and Ecuador. Brazil and Argentina have renounced their countries’ membership in that group, as have Paraguay and Peru.
Even Ecuador, in a stunning reversal under President Lenín Moreno, has quit the old group in favor of the new—a stinging rebuke to his Chavista predecessor Rafael Correa.
These countries have seen the destructive force of socialism by witnessing it in their neighboring country of Venezuela and experiencing it themselves. These countries have taken steps to reverse the policies that old organizations implemented and have made strides to reduce poverty and expand economic freedom.