‘Invalidated’ Wins Best Documentary Feature at Anthem Film Festival
We have some great news! Invalidated: The Shredding of the U.S. Patent System won Best Documentary Feature at the Anthem Film Festival last week. We want to thank director Luke Livingston and Ground Floor Video for the hard work and dedication they put into the film. We would also like to thank Attorney General Ed Meese, Representative Thomas Massie, IP expert Adam Mossoff, Ken Blackwell, Leonard Leo, Dr. Matthew Spalding, and conservative leader Dan Schneider for their part in the film.
Available for streaming on Amazon Prime and iTunes, Invalidated reveals everything about our failing patent system and the assault on American innovation. The documentary tells the story about inventor and father of eight, Josh Malone, who comes up with the genius idea to fill 100 water balloons in 60 seconds. His invention, Bunch O Balloons, became an overnight success until his world was turned upside down. His idea was stolen by a big company and his patent was deemed ‘invalidated.’
The current system allows for major tech companies to find easier and cheaper ways to infringe on patents rather than pay the inventors. China gets away with an annual $600 billion of stolen intellectual property and other countries profit off innovation rather than the American innovators themselves. Today in America, you can be anything you want to be but not an inventor. That is NOT the American Dream!
We hope our film opens the eyes of Americans nationwide about the assault on American innovation and the frequent theft of intellectual property. Without a strong patent system, the American Dream will be INVALIDATED!
Watch the trailer here.