Louisiana Senators and Staff Scarce When Activists Seek to Remind them of their Promises
On Thursday, Tea Party Patriots activists in the great state of Louisiana set out to deliver signatures from Louisiana Patriots asking Senators Cassidy and Kennedy to keep their promises and vote to repeal ObamaCare. You would think it would be relatively easy for a constituent to remind their Senator of a promise, but they are busy people. Even if they aren’t available to meet their constituents, you’d think at least a member of the Senator’s staff would meet constituents, given they all serve the people. But as has been the case in other states recently, it’s not as easy as you might expect!
When our activists showed up, petitions in hand, to their Senators’ offices in Louisiana during business hours on Thursday, the doors of both offices were locked and no one would answer the doors. Activists tried calling the offices. In the case of Sen. Cassidy, Patriots were told that an appointment is required to enter the Senator’s office. With that information in hand, they went back to Sen. Cassidy’s office and rang the bell several times but no one answered the door. One activist saw a person peek from behind the blinds at one point but no one opened the door for the Senator’s constituents! Unable to reach Sen. Kennedy’s staff by phone, our determined activists decided to go back to both offices today – this time Senator Kennedy’s staff invited our activists in to accept the petitions. There was still no one answering the door at Sen. Cassidy’s office, but Sen. Kennedy’s staffer said she would pass the petition signatures to Sen. Cassidy’s staff when they showed up at their office. Persistence pays off!
We want to thank our amazing activists for relentlessly working to repeal Obamacare – we know it is never easy! If you are looking for ways to help us repeal Obamacare, please visit ObamaCareRepealTraitors.com and help us call Senators to remind them of their past promises and votes!!