Report: Houston-area Veterans Affairs office falsified wait times for Texas vets seeking appointments


It’s again come to light Veterans Affairs employees falsified wait times of veterans who were seeking medical appointments – this time in Texas – according to a report released this week.

Fox News has the details:

The Department of Veterans Affairs’ Office of Inspector General said more than 200 appointments were incorrectly recorded for the year that ended in June 2015. Two former scheduling supervisors and a current director of two VA clinics instructed staff to incorrectly record cancellations as being canceled by the patient, the report shows.

Veterans in many instances then encountered average wait times of nearly three months when the appointments were rescheduled.

“These issues have continued despite the Veterans Health Administration … having identified similar issues during a May and June 2014 system-wide review of access,” according to the report. “These conditions persisted because of a lack of effective training and oversight.”

If our veterans took the same care of preserving freedom as our government does looking after our veterans’ healthcare needs, our country would be in a precarious place. Our veterans deserve so much better than what our bloated, big-government agencies have to offer! Click here to get involved and help Tea Party Patriots push back against big government!