5 things to watch for in tonight’s Democratic Debate

The Democratic Debate is quickly approaching, and you know what that means? Democrats arguing about who’s the bigger socialist…
As we prepare ourselves to sit through, yet another, terrible debate – Joseph Simonson at the Washington Examiner broke down the top 5 things to watch for in tonight’s Democratic debate.
All eyes on Bloomberg
The debate will likely exacerbate tensions between Bloomberg and rival candidates. For months, Bloomberg has been jabbing at his opponents without response. That’s about to change dramatically.
Does Sanders stay on course?
As a leading Democratic candidate, Sanders has little to change in terms of his messaging…
There’s little point in risking being knocked by his opponents, who at this point remain scattered and prepared to hand him the nomination.
Does Biden make a serious play for Nevada?
Although he has pegged his entire campaign on winning the Feb. 29 South Carolina primary, Biden will likely need to avoid an embarrassing finish in Nevada or risk losing what little momentum he has left.
For the final two things to watch for, you’ll have to head over to the Examiner! So, does Bloomberg take a hit? Does Sanders stay on course? Does Biden make a serious play for Nevada? Only time will tell…