Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden for Unwarranted Political Attack on SCOTUS


July 30, 2024

Atlanta, GA – Today, President Biden is attacking the U.S. Supreme Court in an unwarranted and political fashion, calling on Congress to establish term limits on the court’s justices and impose an enforceable ethics code on the Court with people external to the Court holding the power to enforce it. Biden is also pressing lawmakers to ratify a constitutional amendment that would limit presidential immunity. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action’s Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:

“President Biden’s unwarranted political attack on the Supreme Court is outrageous. He is proposing to gut the U.S. Supreme Court simply because he and the Democrats are upset that the Court’s majority has made multiple common-sense rulings to rein in the Biden administration’s abuse of power. Instead of humbly accepting those rulings and fulfilling his Constitutional obligations, Biden is undermining the Constitution’s separation of powers.

“Biden knows this proposal will not come to pass during his presidency — in fact, he is only proposing this radical reformation because he is no longer running for reelection. Also interesting is that the Democrats’ presumptive nominee, Kamala Harris, is endorsing Biden’s plan.

“This will be a major issue in the contest between Harris and former President Trump. This raises the stakes for the election and reinforces the need for a Trump victory. Tea Party Patriots Action will do all it can to educate and motivate voters on the importance of protecting The Supreme Court.”

Over the years, Tea Party Patriots Action has tirelessly defended the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court. Most recently, Tea Party Patriots Action released a comprehensive, free ebook that reveals the left’s motives and tactics for undermining the Supreme Court. This resource equips Americans with the knowledge and tools to educate others and stand firm against the left’s efforts to destroy the Supreme Court. Download the ebook today at https://www.patriotproject.com/protect-scotus/ and join Tea Party Patriots Action in protecting the United States Supreme Court from political manipulation.