Tea Party Patriots Action Calls Biden’s SOTU Speech a “Swing and a Miss”

March 1, 2022
Atlanta, GA – Tonight, President Biden delivered his annual State of the Union address. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“President Biden’s speech tonight was a swing and a miss. He wants credit from America for ‘getting back to normal.’ It is not normal for inflation to be at its highest level in 40 years. It is not normal to have almost 2 million people try to get into this country illegally. It is not normal for violent crime to be surging to levels not seen since the 1990s all over the country. It is not normal for employment to be below pre-Covid levels. Vaccine mandates are not normal, when they’re an unprecedented attack on our liberties. Or are all of these examples of the ‘new normal’ the Democrats have been talking about?
“If so, we want nothing to do with it.
“The State of our Union is weak and getting worse, and this ‘new normal’ is a disaster, thanks to Biden’s policies. Indeed, the state of the world is getting worse, thanks to Biden. Tonight should have been an accountability moment for Biden – a time to admit mistakes and promise a change of course. None of that happened. Tea Party Patriots Action has been leading the fight against some of Biden’s worst policies – especially Covid mandates and a federal takeover of our elections. We will continue leading the fight in the year ahead.”