Tea Party Patriots Launches TV Ad Campaign About State Sen. Kurt Schaefer’s Tax-Hiking, Big-Spending, Client-Over-Constituent-Favoring Record

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder and CEO Jenny Beth Martin today released the following statement in conjunction with the release of a television ad to run across the state of Missouri regarding big-spending politician Kurt Schaefer:
“For too long, Missouri state Sen. Kurt Schaefer has put his own and his private law firm clients’ interests above the interests of his constituents and the citizens of Missouri. Whether it’s voting for a record tax increase, or voting for a billion-dollar boondoggle so bureaucrats can have a fancy new office, or voting to let his law firm’s client, a Chinese corporation, buy Missouri farms – and then voting later to make it even easier for those Chinese corporations to buy Missouri farms – he has consistently run roughshod over the interests of his constituents, and instead supported his own favored, narrow special interests.
“That’s wrong. In fact, that’s the very definition of public corruption, as we see it – elected officials are put in office to represent their constituents’ interests, NOT their own.
“At Tea Party Patriots, we don’t care whether elected officials are Republicans or Democrats, we hold them ALL accountable when we see them voting in favor of record tax increases, and we hold them ALL accountable when we see them voting to spend hard-earned taxpayer dollars wastefully, and we hold them ALL accountable when we see them favoring the interests of foreign corporations over the interests of American farmers.
“State Sen. Schaefer is wrong to favor his narrow interests over his constituents’ interests. We urge the residents of Missouri to inform themselves about his record, and today we are launching a television ad to air across the state to help Missouri citizens to do just that.
“In addition, we have launched StopTheSchaeferSpending.com to provide background documentation and further educational materials for those interested in learning about Sen. Schaefer’s record.”
The television ad will run for two weeks across most of the state on a variety of broadcast and cable stations, at a cost of almost $1 million.