Neil Gorsuch Will Protect Our Constitution as Our Next Supreme Court Justice

“Our network of grassroots activists will work very hard to ensure the Senate quickly moves to confirm Judge Gorsuch.”
Washington, DC – Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today, reacting to President Donald Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to be our next Supreme Court Justice. Tea Party Patriots plan to hold 1,000 house parties in 100 days to organize grassroots activists in support of Judge Gorsuch’s nomination and will provide a toolkit instructing them how to get involved using tactics like calling Senators’ offices, supporting the nomination on social media and writing letters-to-the-editor.
“Tea Party Patriots and our network of supporters and grassroots activists across the country thank President Donald Trump for nominating Neil Gorsuch to be our next Supreme Court Justice. President Trump promised to nominate someone who is both exceptionally qualified and has a demonstrated record of interpreting the Constitution and our laws and by nominating Judge Gorsuch, he has kept his promises. Judge Gorsuch has a distinguished record that demonstrates he will be fair to all Americans, no matter their background or beliefs. Like Justice Scalia, he believes that judges should base their decisions on the actual text of the Constitution and our laws, not on personal policy preferences. During the campaign, President Trump took the unprecedented step of sharing a list of names from which he promised to choose a Supreme Court nominee. Exit polls showed that one in five voters named the Supreme Court as their top issue. President Trump has a clear mandate to choose our next Justice, and our network of grassroots activists will work very hard to ensure the Senate quickly moves to confirm Judge Gorsuch.”