Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner: Health-insurance market better off before Obamacare
Wisconsin Deputy Insurance Commissioner Thursday told members of Congress that the Badger State insurance market suffered after the rollout of Obamacare and that state fared better before Obamacare went into effect.
The Washington Free Beacon has the details:
“While the Wisconsin market has been healthier than most, the ACA has caused significant harm,” Wieske said, adding that Obamacare’s regulations have impacted negatively rates and choices for consumers. “The ACA has changed the Wisconsin health insurance market. Consumers have fewer choices. Rates have increased significantly.”
Wieske also noted that “a number of our insurers have seen a significant loss in capital. Insurers have left the individual market, and those that remain have reduced services areas and plan offerings.”
As a result, 37,000 Wisconsin residents will have to look for new insurance plans in 2017 due to insurers dropping out of the individual marketplace.
Americans throughout the country need MORE health-insurance options, not fewer. Obamacare is not the answer to meeting people’s health-insurance needs. Click here to help Tea Party Patriots urge lawmakers to repeal former President Obama’s disastrous signature law.